Tagged: Singletrack High

Singletrack High

La gent de Pedal Born Pictures ha presentat Singletrack High, un documental que fa un seguiment d’un grup de ciclistes que , atenció, competèixen a la NorCal High School Cycling League. Si, un circuit de curses de MTB per a xavals d’instituts que organitza, atenció una altra vegada, la NICA, la National Interscholastic Cycling Association. Això si que és promoció del ciclisme entre el jovent! Aquí no crec que mai arribem a tenir res semblant.

Pedal Born Pictures people has presented Singletrack High, a documentary which keeps track a group of cyclists, attention, competing in the NorCal High School Cycling League. Yes, an MTB racing circuit for kids in schools organized, attention again, by NICA, the National Interscholastic Cycling Association. This really is promoting cycling among young! I do not think that we never have anything like this in Spain.

Captura de pantalla 2013-03-13 a las 21.31.40